5 Highlights From an Analysis of Top Mobile Engagement Automation Vendors

Bernardo de Albergaria Chief Commercial Officer
Airship was cited as a Leader in the recently released The Forrester Wave™: Mobile Engagement Automation, Q3 2020. Download your copy of the report here.
If you’re reading this you’re probably looking for a mobile engagement automation platform — or evaluating the one you have. In the newly released report The Forrester Wave™: Mobile Engagement Automation, Q3 2020, Forrester analysts evaluated the top vendors in this category — those delivering at least 1 billion push notifications a month, with at least 30 enterprise customers — and scored them on 31 evaluation criteria. Each vendor was then categorized as a Leaders, Strong Performer, Challenger or Contender.
We’re thrilled to share that Airship was named a Leader.
Here are five highlights from the report that we’re most proud of, because we believe they reflect our laser focus on continuous innovation — and the unparalleled value we continue to create for our customers and their end-users:
“Airship combines intuitive orchestration capabilities with a robust testing platform.”
Features are under-utilized if they’re difficult to use. That’s why we focus on continuously simplifying the user experience while offering an integrated solution for testing and optimizing user interactions at each stage of the customer journey — on mobile and beyond — with Apptimize. Learn more about Apptimize — and try it for free.
“Airship stands out for its mobile-first approach and its vision of a consumer-led shift of messaging from an interruption to an invitation.”
Since day one, we’ve been deeply committed to helping global brands create win-win interactions with users. We continue to believe providing relevancy and value at every interaction is an essential foundation for growing long term customer relationships in the mobile era.
Airship was also named a Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Mobile Marketing Platforms for the past two years. Last year, Airship placed highest and furthest in the quadrant for our ability to execute and completeness of vision. Learn more.
“References called Airship a partner, not just a vendor, and praised the stability and scalability of the platform.”
We love going deep with customers to understand their challenges and opportunities: our goal is to ensure customers are successful in achieving their business goals, not just providing outstanding service. From our global strategy team to our technical and managed services experts, you won’t find a more committed and skilled partner for growing your business with a holistic customer engagement platform.
“The platform encourages users to set up sophisticated, interconnected journeys so they can visualize how consumers move from one journey to the next, and it has controls to minimize the risk of overmessaging to a single consumer.”
Launched earlier this year after many months of deep research, development and testing, our groundbreaking cross-channel customer journey builder, Airship Journeys, is already a critical tool for our customers. Learn more about Journeys.
“Users can also let a consumer’s past engagement behavior dictate the message format she receives in the future, rather than taking a one-message-fits-all approach.”
In the one-to-one world of omnichannel messaging, personalization is critical — and so is context. We make it easy to create customer journeys that reach users at the right time on the right channel, thanks to sophisticated tagging, custom events, segmentation, and behavior-based triggers. The bottom line: we help brands be there when customers need or want them. And that’s a win-win. Learn more about our Orchestration solutions.
Want to learn more? Download your complimentary copy of “The Forrester Wave™: Mobile Engagement Automation, Q3 2020” today.
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