AI & Analytics

Your resource to track, unify and leverage customer data to deliver
impactful experiences across any of Airship’s channels.

Embrace Data-Driven Marketing

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Get deep insights for every campaign and every customer. Create custom reporting that aligns with your unique KPIs so you can easily identify which strategies are working and which ones aren’t.

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Data Stream

Connect customer data across all of your systems to create a seamless and unified customer experience. Choose the most important events to deliver experiences in real time and watch your customer profiles become more complete.

Generative &
Predictive AI

Airship uses Artificial Intelligence and advanced Machine Learning models to enhance message creation, testing & experience optimization.

App Health

Reporting that’s designed to help marketers better understand how their mobile app performs across the entire customer lifecycle – from Acquisition to Loyalty.

Airship’s Real Time Data Streaming capability is an innovative approach to helping brands unlock the value of their data to drive business results. Together, we’re helping to usher in an era where data is easily portable and actionable.

Interested in learning more about
Data & Analytics with Airship?

Contact us today for a demo.