Get Web Notifications Free for 90 Days

Meghan Suslak Group Product Manager
Establishing direct connections with your customers is an important strategy anytime, but it’s especially important at a time like this. That’s why we’re now offering our web notifications solution free for 90 days.
To get started, simply fill out this form by May 31, 2020 and we’ll be in touch with all the details you need to get up and running.
We’re also offering a series of live “Office Hours” sessions to answer any questions you might have about implementing or leveraging web notifications in your strategy. Once you sign up for the free web notifications offer you’ll get details on how to join those sessions.
Web notifications do something no other communications channel can: reach your customers with a direct message on their desktop or android mobile device while they’re online — whether they’re actively using your site or not. Web notifications are also simple to implement, and easy to integrate into your overall customer engagement strategy.
Not sure whether web notifications make sense for your brand? Here are some handy links to help you understand the opportunity, and get inspired by the possibilities web notifications hold.
- Get ideas and inspiration for the types of web notifications you could be sending in our Web Notifications Inspiration Guide.
- Learn how web notifications helped ASDA’s George.com boost traffic and grow transaction value by 7.2% and helped public media network OPB boost audience retention.
- New to web notifications? Here’s a cheat sheet to get you up to speed.
We truly hope that this offer will help brands strengthen their connections with customers, especially during the pandemic when timely, direct cross-channel customer communications are more important than ever.
Questions? Get in touch anytime.
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