#MobileStrat Chat: Location, Location, Location

AJ Park Sr. Content Marketing Manager
Our #MobileStrat Chat Periscope on Location-based Marketing last week was great!
If you weren't able to join, have no fear! We archived the presentation for you.
We covered:
Location history’s impact on user response rates (increase by 4-5x)
The benefits of user-reported location
The (well-reasoned) fear of “advertazing” your users
Here's the deck from SlideShare so you can follow along:
Be sure to follow us on Periscope and @urbanairship on Twitter using the #MobileStrat hashtag to join more of our mobile marketing strategy chats. Tune in on May 5 at 10 a.m. PDT for our next #MobileStrat chat on optimizing your mobile message center for higher engagement and retention.
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