Live Chat

Boost conversions and engagement with personalized, real-time customer conversations.

Brands need a way to trigger real-time conversations with customers to meet in-the-moment needs. Live Chat makes it easy to connect with customers and meet their goals — from upsell to conversion to customer support — instantly.

Create Real-Time Conversations That Meet Customers’ In-the-Moment Needs

Start incredibly relevant live conversations with customers in the exact moment it matters most. Trigger 1 on 1 chat interactions from any channel based on customer actions, location, behavior — or any other data that makes sense for your brand — and watch engagement and conversions grow.

Match Conversations to Key Moments in the Customer Journey to Boost Results 

Trigger a live chat at key moments during the customer journey to drive business goals like repeat purchases, abandoned cart recovery and loyalty sign ups.

Create Deeper, More Valuable Connections
with Customers

Blend automation and live interactions to create extraordinarily valuable conversations using triggered conversation-starters and message templates. You’ll get the flexibility you need to deliver unique, personalized experiences at scale.

Live Chat

Key Features

  • Live Chat Manager
  • Personalization
  • Automation
  • Message Templates
  • Auto Responses
  • Deep Linking

Leverage Chat to Deliver a Better Customer Experience & Meet Your Business Goals

Offer Promotions That Accelerate Conversions

Send a push notification or in-app message that opens an in-app chat offering a customized or time-sensitive discount.

Deliver a Seamless Order Pickup Experience

Trigger a location-based live chat to streamline your customers’ order pickup experience.

Boost Upsell Opportunities & Conversions

Prompt customers to get an easy upgrade to their subscription, order, trip or ticket.

Get Invaluable Customer Feedback More Quickly

Trigger a survey to respond to your customers’ experience in real time.

Strengthen & Streamline Onboarding

Use live chat to help customers complete key actions during onboard — from setting up their account to completing their first purchase.

Live Chat Resources

Foster Valuable Customer Relationships with Airship Live Chat

Learn more about how you can use Airship Live Chat in this blog post

Live Chat: Build Real-Time Customer Relationships at Scale

Download the Live Chat Datasheet

Your Supercharged Customer Engagement Strategy Starts Here

Live Chat is just one piece of Airship’s powerful App Experience Platform, built to help enterprise brands create massive value at every lifecycle stage. Let us show you what it can do for you.

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Are you a developer looking to check out our SDK, or a business with fewer than 1,000 contacts? Set up an Airship account today and you’ll be on your way.