Unveiling the Future of Consumer Digital Experiences with Julie Ask – Masters of MAX ep. #24

Deidre Wright PR Director Airship

Featuring Julie Ask, Futurist and Digital Product Strategist

In this episode of Masters of MAX, host Tom Butta welcomes Julie Ask, a renowned expert in consumer digital experiences and former Principal VP analyst at Forrester Research, Inc.. Julie’s extensive background as a futurist and digital product strategist sets the stage for a great discussion on the challenges brands face in orchestrating seamless digital experiences. 

During the interview, Julie highlights the evolving landscape of consumer digital experiences, emphasizing the importance of immersive interfaces on mobile devices and the growing trend towards “invisible” experiences that anticipate and fulfill consumer needs. While in the past, most consumers would actively pull information from brands when desired, Julie emphasizes that now consumers expect brands to push relevant offerings to them. 

We’re releasing video excerpts of the interview on YouTube over the next couple of weeks. Please enjoy the first of those here:

Tom and Julie explored the impact of AI on digital experiences, touching on the complexities of using generative AI and the need for brand authenticity and control. They talk about the critical importance of trust in gaining customers willing to provide information to brands, as well as the challenges organizations face in stitching together data silos to orchestrate cross-channel interactions spanning different business functions. Julie underscores the need to break down organizational silos to deliver cohesive interactions because ultimately: “the customer doesn’t want to see functions within your brand, the customer wants to see your brand.”

Listen to the full episode now, and subscribe to “Masters of MAX: The Mobile App Experience Podcast” on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, or Audible.

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