
A Rich Push Notification is Worth 1,000 Words Webinar

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Are you regularly using rich push notifications today? If not, why not? Whether it’s a workflow issue or seems like it’s all just too complicated, we want to give you the information and inspiration you need to hop on board with using visual content in your push notifications. With our research showing up to a 56% increase in open rates for push notifications with pictures, the opportunity is huge.

Hear from mobile marketing expert Jeff Hasen, Senior Mobile Strategist at POSSIBLE Mobile and learn the nuts and bolts of sending rich notifications, as well as basic and advanced use cases from top brands who are sending, optimizing and automating rich push. You’ll come away with a better understanding of how you can start delivering high utility, in-the-moment notifications that surprise and delight your customers.

  • How Amazon’s move to visual delivery information and “Cloud Cam” delivery will accelerate retail competition for using visual information in transactional messaging
  • How media and sports companies are leading the way in innovative rich push uses cases
  • Incorporating visual content from marketing communications on any channel into push notifications